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It’s our ProcJam 2019 episode! Justin highlights just three of his favorite entries to this year’s ProcJam. Then, we use another entry that generates premises for sitcom episodes in conjunction with Talk to Transformer to create some new sitcom pitches.
ProcJam 2019 Entries
Hide & Seek
Plant Daddy
Tweet Dungeon
Sitcom Generator
Talk to Transformer
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So, I tried the sitcom generator with added Talk with transformers. here’s what it did:
series: Leila
s5 ep 21
The government is shut down and the parks are closed, but Leila tries to skirt the rules to hold a children’s concert in the vacant lot. But he eventually finds an easier way to pass the course.
“Dog Thief” is what the book title says. For me, the best part of this episode is that Rachel finally gets an impromptu lesson in how to harness her Power Of the Dog. Why do they always do this?
The opening of the episode is all about symbolism and what “their” government is really about. Leila explains to Rachel that the government represents the people, and those people represent the dog, while the other breeds represent the cats. Rachel just doesn’t get it.